With the advancement of travel technology these days, the idea of driving long distances may seem a bit antiquated. Why drive 20 hours when you can get there in 3 on a plane? Well I think we have all heard the expression, it’s not the destination, but the journey, this can apply to travel as well! Though, yes, I agree that travel usually is about the destination, the journey can be just as big a part of the adventure, if we let it!

Recently my husband and I packed up the car and drove across the country. After 60+ hours in the car, 21 states, and countless amazing views, we realized how often we favor the quick and easy way to travel, and what we’ve been missing out on. Now, I’m not saying that we are going to start driving everywhere, but it did open my eyes to how much of my own country I had never experienced, and how wonderful it really is to be able to see the country in such an up close way. Which brings me to my top five reasons everyone should go on a road trip!
1.There are more towns and places to visit than just the ones with airports near by. Sometimes it’s worth driving out into what may seem like the middle of nowhere and finding hidden gems and towns that you would never have discovered otherwise. There are so many places to explore, and the possibilities are endless when you get off the beaten track and drive away from tourists destinations.

2. Car games and road trip playlists! Need I say more! Get in touch with your inner child and play games again! There are so many car games to help you pass the time, and you will find yourself able to disconnect and just enjoy the little things. Plus it’s a great time to jam out to your favorite tunes, and even rediscover some oldies but goodies!!
3. Connect with your companions. Lets face it, you are going to be in the car a LOT on a road trip. That means time with not much to do but chat and connect, or reconnect, with whomever you are traveling with. We talked about anything and everything while we were driving across America, and it was honestly a very refreshing experience to have nothing to interfere with our connecting. You will really get to know the person your traveling with and you’ll feel a whole lot closer at the end of it.

4. Flexibility- bad weather, change in ideas, new spots, there are hundreds of reasons why your trip plans may need to change or be altered. When you’re on a road trip, you have a lot more flexibility. For example, when we were driving, we had planned to stop in a town that was 5 hours from our previous stop, but when we got there, we weren’t tired of driving, and there wasn’t much to do in the town. So what did we do? We kept driving! You are limited in your flexibility when you are on a road trip, and you can be as spontaneous as you want to be!
5. Freedom and a connection with nature. There is just something about driving for hours and watching the landscapes pass by out your window. You feel such a connection and are at awe with nature. We passed through forests, deserts, grasslands, mountains, valleys, rainstorms, sunshine, tornado warnings, etc. There was endless views and such a feeling of freedom to just roam! To see all that mother nature has to offer and the incredible natural creations makes you feel a sense of connection that will open your mind and make you wonder again!

Have you ever gone on a road trip? Remember that it doesn’t have to be grand, it can be just a few hours, a change in scenery is good for you! Take it all in, let the journey be the destination! It is truly incredible what you can experience by taking a road trip. Remember it doesn’t have to be in your own country either, you can rent a car during your travels and open yourselves up to even more exploring in new places! Let me know in the comments below where you’ve road tripped to, or what’s on your bucket list for a road trip!
x Megan