Unfortunately it’s inevitable. At some point during your travels, you WILL lose something. Whether it’s your favorite pair of shorts, your phone charger, or even a whole piece of luggage. Things will get lost, left behind, or forgotten. Below are my top 5 tips to hopefully reduce the risk of losing items.

1.If traveling with another person, mix up your belongings, put some of your items in their bag and some of their items in your bag. This way, if one of your bags gets lost in transit, you can still have some of the basics. When mixing items, think basic, a spare change of clothes, clean underwear and socks. Enough to get you through a day or two!
2. Make a list! Write down your most important items that you cannot travel without. i.e. travel documents, passport, credit cards, etc. Every time you pack up, move locations, etc. check off this list. It will help to avoid misplacing items or leaving them behind.
3. Make sure everything has its place, and stay organized. If you know where everything belongs and keep your travel gear organized, you’re less likely to lose and misplace them!

4. Triple check all nooks and crannies. Especially if you are staying in a hotel or unfamiliar place, it’s easy to put something down and forget about it. You may think that using the drawers and closet are great for staying tidy, but it just means more places to forget things. When you’re leaving check, check and check again! Every drawer, under the bed, in the bathroom, the closet, etc.
5. If you’re scared to lose it, leave at home! If something really means a lot to you and you would hate to lose it, DON’T bring it traveling! For example, I wouldn’t recommend traveling with an heirloom necklace that your grandmother gave you. If you can’t live with the thought of losing it or having it stolen, then just don’t bring it.
Let me know if you found these tips and tricks useful! What is your number one hack for not losing things while traveling? I think even being fully prepared, we’re all going to lose something, but we can reduce the chances and risks! What’s the worst thing you’ve lost or left behind? I am the WORST when it comes to chargers, it’s so easy to leave them plugged into the wall and walk away!
x Megan