Of course there are people who like to travel with a pair of shoes for every outfit, but if you are looking to save space or travel with more of a minimalist approach, there are really only three pairs of shoes that you need when traveling, in my opinion.

1.Hiking Boots– A good pair of hiking boots will get you through a lot of situations. You can use hiking boots to go hiking (obviously!), but you can also use them if it’s raining, snowing or muddy. They are just good all-around shoes that I find myself using daily when traveling. Currently I am using a pair of Timberlands that I LOVE! But in the past I’ve used Merrells, but they were so old that I don’t think they make them anymore!

2.Sneakers– The next best shoe to bring with you is a good pair of sneakers/walking shoes. These are the shoes that you want when you’re going to be walking around town for long periods of time, that are going to support your feet and not leave you in pain at the end of the day. They can also be used for going for a run, or popping into the gym if you’re an active traveler as well.

3.Comfy Shoes– The last pair of shoes that you should bring are comfortable ones. These should be shoes that you can slip on to walk around the hostel in, or pop down the street for a coffee. Personally I always travel with my Birkenstocks! They are easy to slip on, especially after a long day of hiking or walking, sometimes I just don’t want to confine my feet to a full shoe, I just want a comfortable, light option to let my feet relax. I also love birks because I think they can also be dressed up with a nice outfit and used as your “going out” shoes. You could also opt for flip-flops or sliders, just think comfortable and easy on your feet.

These are my top 3 shoes I always travel with, I find that I really don’t have any use for other shoes. Do you agree with my list? Or is there a shoe that you can’t travel without? Let me know down below!
x Megan